Micro Brushless Gear Motor China Manufacturer

Brushless dc motor (BLDC motor) has the characteristics of low interference, low noise and long life, and has become a widely used product. Based on its excellent performance, it is combined with a high-precision planetary gearbox, which greatly improve the torque of the motor and reduce the speed, suitable for many application fields.

Micro Brushless Gear Motor, Micro Drive System, Motion Solutions, Coreless Gear Motor, Planetary Gearbox, Spur Gearbox,
Precision Gearbox,
Stepper Gear Motor,
Brushed Gear Motor,
Smart Home Drive,
Communication Drive,
Automotive Drive,

According to the different materials of gearbox, we distinguish metal brushless gear motor and plastic gear motor, metal brushless gear motor has a higher torque; Its unique design of BLDC Gear Motor from us allows for several key benefits:

Compact size, Low noise
Wide range of voltages you can choose from
Diameters as small as 12 mm
Rated speed as low as 4rpm
Torque up to 7845.29 mNm
High torque, low Speed
Ability to withstand harsh environments
Long service life

Micro Brushless Gear Motor
Micro Drive System
Motion Solutions
Coreless Gear Motor
Planetary Gearbox
Spur Gearbox
Precision Gearbox
Stepper Gear Motor
Brushed Gear Motor
Smart Home Drive
Communication Drive
Automotive Drive
Intelligent Robot Drive
Industrial Equipment Drive
Medical Equipment Drive
Consumer Electronics Drive

Tattoo Machine Coreless Brush Motor BLDC Brushless Micro Mini Motor China Factory Manufacturer

Tattoo Machine Coreless Brush Motor BLDC Brushless Micro Mini Motor China Factory Manufacturer

Maxon Faulhaber Motor DC Motor China Manufacturer Factory Coreless Brushless Motor Electric Micro Motor BLDC Flat Brush Motor
Maxon Faulhaber Motor DC Motor China Manufacturer Factory Coreless Brushless Motor Electric Micro Motor BLDC Flat Brush Motor


DC Motor China Manufacturer Factory Maxon Faulhaber Motor Coreless Brushless Motor Electric Micro Motor
DC Motor China Manufacturer Factory Maxon Faulhaber Motor Coreless Brushless Motor Electric Micro Motor

Coreless Brushless Motor DC Motor Exporter Maxon Faulhaber Tattoo Machine Motor
Coreless Brushless Motor DC Motor Exporter Maxon Faulhaber Tattoo Machine Motor


We accept customized specification, contact us now for your requirement. We will be delighted to make samples for you. 

 Email: chinaok321@gmail.com  Mob/Wechat/Whatsapp: 8613713792667      Skype: chinaok321